Tuesday 17 February 2009

Lovely Lillies

Flowers are the best natural beauties created by nature. The lilly flower are one among those elegamnt ones who appears heart and soul...they comes in a variety of colors, shapes, sizes and shapes, when compared to other species of flowers. Most common among the Lilly is the Lilly of the Valley, known in French, as 'Muguet'. These tiny lilly flower blooms in clusters during spring and carries a remarkable fragnance. A variety of Lillys from round the globe are collected herein from the lap of nature.

African Blue Lilly

Black Berry Lilly

Blue Tiger Lilly

Calla Lilly

Day Lilly

Impala Lilly

White lilly

Rode spotted Lilly

Orange Lilly

Peachy Lilly

Pink Lilly

Purple Lilly

Red Tiger Lilly

White Asiatic Lilly

White Lilly

Yellow tiger Lilly
I dont own or have any claim over the photographs exhibitted in this blog. Its an attempt to collect the beautiful nature, captured through the eyes and visions of blessed photographers. Whomever cliked these beautiful photographs from the garden of mother nature, THANKS for sharing it on world wide web!!

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